“Translating is so much more than just looking up words and then stringing them together (somehow). Translating means to ‘translate’ the text’s meaning and author’s intention into the target language. Let me do it for you!”
It all started with…
- a leaflet about the translation profession, which someone happened to bring in to my school (back in the 1980s)
And was followed by…
- a school-leaving certificate from a commercial college with English as one of my main subjects (1989)
- a year in London as au pair with a British-American family
- studies in translation in Graz, Dublin (1994-95) and Vienna (1997)
- many years of translating a wide variety of texts from English into German and German into English (since 1994)
- love and passion for the job!
Apart from working in translation…
- I have two adorable children
- I love (almost) everything British, cats, sports (running, hiking, cycling), colourful flowers and dark chocolate, good food and fine wine (to name just a few of my hobbies and interests)
I volunteer(ed) as…
2019-present: parent representative at my children’s grammar school
2014-present: mentor for young translator colleagues (UNIVERSITAS Austria, Economic Chamber Vienna)
2012-2018: parent representative at my children’s kindergarten
2009-2011: Secretary General of UNIVERSITAS Austria Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association
2005-2011: board member of UNIVERSITAS Austria
2007-2009: youth mentor for a KJA (child protection agency) project
2002-2005: head of the “International” project group of Junior Chamber Vienna as well as JCI Meetings Manager at the 60th JCI World Congress 2005 in Vienna, JCI Senator #66908
2000-2013: board member of the Vienna Catsitters’ Club